Shooting In The Rain

I think the natural inclination when the rain starts falling is to head for the safety of indoors. Operating electronic equipment outdoors can be a little counterintuitive. Having previously fully submerged my Nikon D850 in Emerald Lake (not intentional, or recommended), I learned first hand how robust the weather sealing is on some high end cameras. I fact, I have shot in all kinda of weather all over the planet with that camera, and it has never let me down. A little rain is nothing to worry about. For downpours, there are accessories you can get to cover your camera, or even just use a plastic shopping bag.

I love getting out for the end of a rain storm, or just after it finishes. There are so many great opportunities. To begin with, I had this garden at my local park all to myself. I often find that right after it rains, the greens are more lush and vibrant. The natural water droplets over everything is a great perk, and made many spiderwebs stand out to me. I didn’t have any puddles in this garden, but small pools of water are also great for reflection shots!

Hope you enjoy this set. Click on any image to see more detail.


Spirit Sands Hiking Trail: Under The Stars


Nutimik At Night